Pay With Ease 🎉



ZeGidPay is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcome and valued. We believe that diversity is essential to our success, and we are committed to hiring and retaining employees from all backgrounds and experiences.

We are a Pan-African company, and we believe that our diversity is our strength. We are proud to have employees from all over Africa, and we believe that their different perspectives and experiences make us a better company.

We are committed to creating an environment where all employees feel safe and respected. We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or harassment, and we are committed to providing all employees with the opportunity to succeed.

We believe that diversity is essential to innovation, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels free to be themselves and share their ideas. We believe that this diversity will help us to create better products and services that meet the needs of all Africans.

We are committed to being a leader in diversity and inclusion, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our workplace. We believe that diversity is a journey, not a destination, and we are committed to making progress every day.

Here are some specific ways that ZeGidPay is promoting diversity and inclusion:

  • We have a diversity and inclusion council that is made up of employees from all levels of the company. The council is responsible for developing and implementing diversity and inclusion initiatives.
  • We offer unconscious bias training to all employees. This training helps employees to understand their own biases and how they can be implicit in their decision-making.
  • We have a mentorship program that pairs employees from different backgrounds. This program helps to build relationships and understanding between employees.
  • We celebrate diversity in our workplace. We have events and activities that celebrate the different cultures and backgrounds of our employees.


ZeGidPay is committed to creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels welcome, respected, and valued. We believe that inclusivity is essential to our success, and we are committed to creating an environment where everyone can be their authentic selves and reach their full potential.

We are a Pan-African company, and we believe that our diversity is our strength. We are proud to have employees from all over Africa, and we believe that their different perspectives and experiences make us a better company.

We are committed to creating an environment where all employees feel safe, respected, and heard. We have a zero-tolerance policy for discrimination or harassment, and we are committed to providing all employees with the opportunity to succeed.

We believe that inclusivity is essential to innovation, and we are committed to creating a workplace where everyone feels free to be themselves and share their ideas. We believe that this inclusivity will help us to create better products and services that meet the needs of all Africans.

We are committed to being a leader in inclusivity, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve our workplace. We believe that inclusivity is a journey, not a destination, and we are committed to making progress every day.

Here are some specific ways that ZeGidPay is promoting inclusivity:

  • We have an inclusivity council that is made up of employees from all levels of the company. The council is responsible for developing and implementing inclusivity initiatives.
  • We offer unconscious bias training to all employees. This training helps employees to understand their own biases and how they can be implicit in their decision-making.
  • We have a mentorship program that pairs employees from different backgrounds. This program helps to build relationships and understanding between employees.
  • We celebrate inclusivity in our workplace. We have events and activities that celebrate the different cultures and backgrounds of our employees.


Work Flexibility

ZeGidPay is committed to providing our employees with the flexibility they need to succeed. We believe that work flexibility is essential to employee satisfaction, productivity, and well-being.

We offer a variety of flexible work arrangements, including:

  • Flextime: Employees can choose their own start and end times, as long as they meet their daily or weekly work hours.
  • Telecommuting: Employees can work from home or another remote location, as long as they have the necessary equipment and access to the Internet.
  • Reduced hours: Employees can work part-time or compressed hours, such as working four 10-hour days per week.
  • Job sharing: Two or more employees share the same job, dividing the responsibilities and hours.

We believe that work flexibility is a win-win for both employees and employers. Employees who have the flexibility they need are more likely to be happy, productive, and engaged in their work. Employers who offer flexible work arrangements are more likely to attract and retain top talent.

To request a flexible work arrangement, employees should contact their manager. We will work with each employee to find a flexible work arrangement that meets their needs and the needs of the business.


We believe that these initiatives are helping to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace at ZeGidPay. We are committed to continuing our work on diversity and inclusion, and we believe that it is essential to our success.